blob: 31cc765d0508fd1c3e9dfe9deed58c3d2d1487bb [file] [log] [blame]
Trusted Firmware M
Trusted Firmware-M (TF-M) implements the Secure Processing Environment (SPE)
for Armv8-M, Armv8.1-M architectures (e.g. the `Cortex-M33`_, `Cortex-M23`_,
`Cortex-M55`_, `Cortex-M85`_ processors) and dual-core platforms.
It is the platform security architecture reference implementation aligning with
PSA Certified guidelines, enabling chips, Real Time Operating Systems and
devices to become PSA Certified.
TF-M relies on an isolation boundary between the Non-secure Processing
Environment (NSPE) and the Secure Processing Environment (SPE). It can but is
not limited to using the `Arm TrustZone technology`_ on Armv8-M and Armv8.1-M
architectures. In pre-Armv8-M architectures physical core isolation is required.
**TF-M consists of:**
- Secure Boot to authenticate NSPE and SPE images
- TF-M Core for controlling the isolation, communication
and execution within SPE and with NSPE
- Crypto, Internal Trusted Storage (ITS), Protected Storage (PS),
Firmware Update and Attestation secure services
TF-M implements `PSA-FF-M`_ defined IPC and SFN mechanisms to allow communication
between isolated firmware partitions. TF-M is highly configurable allowing users
to only include the required secure services and features. Project provides
:ref:`Base_configuration` build with just TF-M core and platform drivers and 4 predefined
configurations known as :ref:`tf-m_profiles`. TF-M Profiles or TF-M base can
be configured to include required services and features as described in the
:ref:`tf-m_configuration` section.
.. figure:: readme_tfm_v8.png
:scale: 65 %
:align: center
FF-M compliant design with TF-M
Applications and Libraries in the Non-secure Processing Environment can
utilize these secure services with a standardized set of PSA Functional APIs.
Applications running on Cortex-M devices can leverage TF-M services to ensure
secure connection with edge gateways and IoT cloud services. It also protects
the critical security assets such as sensitive data, keys and certificates on
the platform. TF-M is supported on several Cortex-M based
:doc:`Microcontrollers </platform/index>` and Real Time Operating
Systems (RTOS).
Terms ``TFM`` and ``TF-M`` are commonly used in documents and code and both
refer to ``Trusted Firmware M.`` :doc:`Glossary </glossary>` has the list
of terms and abbreviations.
TF-M is comprised of multiple repositories that supplement each other in making the project both customisable and maintainable.
.. list-table:: TF-M Repositories
:widths: auto
:header-rows: 1
* - **Repository**
- **Description**
* - `trusted-firmware-m <>`_
- Software implementation of TF-M with documentation and essential tools
* - `tf-m-tests <>`_
- Tests that focus on the functionalities of TF-M components
* - `tf-m-tools <>`_
- Non essential tools used for testing and verification of TF-M
* - `tf-m-extras <>`_
- Extension of the main repository to host examples, demonstrations, third-party modules etc
The software is provided under a BSD-3-Clause :doc:`License </contributing/lic>`.
Contributions to this project are accepted under the same license with developer
sign-off as described in the :doc:`Contributing Guidelines </contributing/contributing_process>`.
This project contains code from other projects as listed below. The code from
external projects is limited to ``bl2``, ``lib`` and ``platform``
folders. The original license text is included in those source files.
- The ``bl2`` folder contains files imported from MCUBoot project and the files
have Apache 2.0 license.
- The ``lib/ext`` folder may contain 3rd party projects and files with
diverse licenses. Here are some that are different from the BSD-3-Clause and
may be a part of the runtime image. The source code for these projects is
fetched from upstream at build time only.
- ``CMSIS_5`` - Apache 2.0 license
- ``mbedcrypto`` - `Apache 2.0 license MbedTLS
- ``mcuboot`` - `Apache 2.0 license MCUBoot
- ``qcbor`` - `Modified BSD-3-Clause license
- ``tf-m-extras`` - Set of additional components. Please check individually in
`tf-m-extras repository <>`_
- The ``platform`` folder currently contains platforms support imported from
the external project and the files may have different licenses.
.. include:: /platform/platform_introduction.rst
The document :doc:`Supported Platforms </platform/index>` lists the details.
Release Notes and Process
The :doc:`Release Cadence and Process </releases/release_process>` provides
release cadence and process information.
The :doc:`Releases </releases/index>` provides details of
major features of the release and platforms supported.
Feedback and Support
For this release, feedback is requested via email to
` <>`__.
A bi-weekly technical forum is available for discussion on any technical topics
online. Welcome to join `TF-M Forum <>`__.
.. _Cortex-M33:
.. _Cortex-M23:
.. _Cortex-M55:
.. _Cortex-M85:
.. _PSA Certified:
.. _Arm TrustZone technology:
.. _PSA-FF-M:
*Copyright (c) 2017-2022, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.*