blob: 40e52c94af40ce23273841e3ac2b1502aa6cec23 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021-2023, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include <cactus_test_cmds.h>
#include <ffa_endpoints.h>
#include <ffa_helpers.h>
#include <mmio.h>
#include <spm_common.h>
#include <spm_test_helpers.h>
#include <test_helpers.h>
#include <timer.h>
#include <drivers/arm/arm_gic.h>
#define RECEIVER SP_ID(1)
#define RECEIVER_2 SP_ID(2)
#define SP_SLEEP_TIME 1000U
#define NS_TIME_SLEEP 1500U
#define ECHO_VAL1 U(0xa0a0a0a0)
static const struct ffa_uuid expected_sp_uuids[] = {
* @Test_Aim@ Test secure interrupt handling while first Secure Partition is
* in RUNNING state.
* 1. Send a direct message request command to first Cactus SP to start the
* trusted watchdog timer.
* 2. Send a command to SP to first sleep( by executing a busy loop), then
* restart trusted watchdog timer and then sleep again.
* 3. While SP is running the first busy loop, Secure interrupt should trigger
* during this time.
* 4. The interrupt will be trapped to SPM as IRQ. SPM will inject the virtual
* IRQ to the first SP through vIRQ conduit and perform eret to resume
* execution in SP.
* 5. Execution traps to irq handler of Cactus SP. It will handle the secure
* interrupt triggered by the trusted watchdog timer.
* 6. Cactus SP will perform End-Of-Interrupt and resume execution in the busy
* loop.
* 7. Trusted watchdog timer will trigger once again followed by steps 4 to 6.
* 8. Cactus SP will send a direct response message with the elapsed time back
* to the normal world.
* 9. We make sure the time elapsed in the sleep routine by SP is not less than
* the requested value.
* 10. TFTF sends a direct request message to SP to query the ID of last serviced
* secure virtual interrupt.
* 11. Further, TFTF expects SP to return the ID of Trusted Watchdog timer
* interrupt through a direct response message.
* 12. Test finishes successfully once the TFTF disables the trusted watchdog
* interrupt through a direct message request command.
test_result_t test_ffa_sec_interrupt_sp_running(void)
struct ffa_value ret_values;
CHECK_SPMC_TESTING_SETUP(1, 1, expected_sp_uuids);
/* Enable trusted watchdog interrupt as IRQ in the secure side. */
if (!enable_trusted_wdog_interrupt(SENDER, RECEIVER)) {
ret_values = cactus_send_twdog_cmd(SENDER, RECEIVER, 50);
if (!is_ffa_direct_response(ret_values)) {
ERROR("Expected a direct response for starting TWDOG timer\n");
/* Send request to first Cactus SP to sleep */
ret_values = cactus_sleep_trigger_wdog_cmd(SENDER, RECEIVER, SP_SLEEP_TIME, 50);
* Secure interrupt should trigger during this time, Cactus
* will handle the trusted watchdog timer.
if (!is_ffa_direct_response(ret_values)) {
ERROR("Expected a direct response for sleep command\n");
VERBOSE("Secure interrupt has preempted execution: %u\n",
/* Make sure elapsed time not less than sleep time */
if (cactus_get_response(ret_values) < SP_SLEEP_TIME) {
ERROR("Lapsed time less than requested sleep time\n");
/* Check for the last serviced secure virtual interrupt. */
ret_values = cactus_get_last_interrupt_cmd(SENDER, RECEIVER);
if (!is_ffa_direct_response(ret_values)) {
ERROR("Expected a direct response for last serviced interrupt"
" command\n");
/* Make sure Trusted Watchdog timer interrupt was serviced*/
if (cactus_get_response(ret_values) != IRQ_TWDOG_INTID) {
ERROR("Trusted watchdog timer interrupt not serviced by SP\n");
/* Disable Trusted Watchdog interrupt. */
if (!disable_trusted_wdog_interrupt(SENDER, RECEIVER)) {
* @Test_Aim@ Test secure interrupt handling while Secure Partition is waiting
* for a message.
* 1. Send a direct message request command to first Cactus SP to start the
* trusted watchdog timer.
* 2. Once the SP returns with a direct response message, it moves to WAITING
* 3. Execute a busy loop to sleep for NS_TIME_SLEEP ms.
* 4. Trusted watchdog timer expires during this time which leads to secure
* interrupt being triggered while cpu is executing in normal world.
* 5. The interrupt is trapped to BL31/SPMD as FIQ and later synchronously
* delivered to SPM.
* 6. SPM injects a virtual IRQ to first Cactus Secure Partition.
* 7. Once the SP handles the interrupt, it returns execution back to normal
* world using FFA_MSG_WAIT call.
* 8. SPM, through the help of SPMD, resumes execution in normal world to
* continue the busy loop.
* 9. We make sure the time elapsed in the sleep routine is not less than
* the requested value.
* 10. TFTF sends a direct request message to SP to query the ID of last serviced
* secure virtual interrupt.
* 11. Further, TFTF expects SP to return the ID of Trusted Watchdog timer
* interrupt through a direct response message.
* 12. Test finishes successfully once the TFTF disables the trusted watchdog
* interrupt through a direct message request command.
test_result_t test_ffa_sec_interrupt_sp_waiting(void)
uint64_t time1;
volatile uint64_t time2, time_lapsed;
uint64_t timer_freq = read_cntfrq_el0();
struct ffa_value ret_values;
CHECK_SPMC_TESTING_SETUP(1, 1, expected_sp_uuids);
/* Enable trusted watchdog interrupt as IRQ in the secure side. */
if (!enable_trusted_wdog_interrupt(SENDER, RECEIVER)) {
* Send a message to SP1 through direct messaging.
ret_values = cactus_send_twdog_cmd(SENDER, RECEIVER, 100);
if (!is_ffa_direct_response(ret_values)) {
ERROR("Expected a direct response for starting TWDOG timer\n");
time1 = syscounter_read();
* Sleep for NS_TIME_SLEEP ms. This ensures secure wdog timer triggers during this
* time. We explicitly do not use tftf_timer_sleep();
time2 = syscounter_read();
/* Lapsed time should be at least equal to sleep time */
time_lapsed = ((time2 - time1) * 1000) / timer_freq;
if (time_lapsed < NS_TIME_SLEEP) {
ERROR("Time elapsed less than expected value: %llu vs %u\n",
time_lapsed, NS_TIME_SLEEP);
/* Check for the last serviced secure virtual interrupt. */
ret_values = cactus_get_last_interrupt_cmd(SENDER, RECEIVER);
if (!is_ffa_direct_response(ret_values)) {
ERROR("Expected a direct response for last serviced interrupt"
" command\n");
/* Make sure Trusted Watchdog timer interrupt was serviced*/
if (cactus_get_response(ret_values) != IRQ_TWDOG_INTID) {
ERROR("Trusted watchdog timer interrupt not serviced by SP\n");
/* Disable Trusted Watchdog interrupt. */
if (!disable_trusted_wdog_interrupt(SENDER, RECEIVER)) {
* @Test_Aim@ Test secure interrupt handling while first Secure Partition is
* in BLOCKED state.
* 1. Send a direct message request command to first Cactus SP to start the
* trusted watchdog timer.
* 2. Send a direct request to first SP to forward sleep command to second SP.
* 3. While second SP is running the busy loop, Secure interrupt should trigger
* during this time.
* 4. The interrupt will be trapped to SPM as IRQ. SPM will inject the virtual
* IRQ to the first SP through vIRQ conduit and perform eret to resume
* execution in first SP.
* 5. Execution traps to irq handler of Cactus SP. It will handle the secure
* interrupt triggered by the trusted watchdog timer.
* 6. First SP performs EOI by calling interrupt deactivate ABI and invokes
* FFA_RUN to resume second SP in the busy loop.
* 7. Second SP will complete the busy sleep loop and send a direct response
* message with the elapsed time back to the first SP.
* 8. First SP checks for the elapsed time and sends a direct response with
* a SUCCESS value back to tftf.
* 9. TFTF sends a direct request message to SP to query the ID of last serviced
* secure virtual interrupt.
* 10. Further, TFTF expects SP to return the ID of Trusted Watchdog timer
* interrupt through a direct response message.
* 11. Test finishes successfully once the TFTF disables the trusted watchdog
* interrupt through a direct message request command.
test_result_t test_ffa_sec_interrupt_sp_blocked(void)
struct ffa_value ret_values;
CHECK_SPMC_TESTING_SETUP(1, 1, expected_sp_uuids);
/* Enable trusted watchdog interrupt as IRQ in the secure side. */
if (!enable_trusted_wdog_interrupt(SENDER, RECEIVER)) {
ret_values = cactus_send_twdog_cmd(SENDER, RECEIVER, 100);
if (!is_ffa_direct_response(ret_values)) {
ERROR("Expected a direct response for starting TWDOG timer\n");
* Send request to first Cactus SP to send request to Second Cactus
* SP to sleep
ret_values = cactus_fwd_sleep_cmd(SENDER, RECEIVER, RECEIVER_2,
SP_SLEEP_TIME, false);
* Secure interrupt should trigger during this time, Cactus
* will handle the trusted watchdog timer.
if (!is_ffa_direct_response(ret_values)) {
ERROR("Expected a direct response\n");
if (cactus_get_response(ret_values) != CACTUS_SUCCESS) {
/* Check for the last serviced secure virtual interrupt. */
ret_values = cactus_get_last_interrupt_cmd(SENDER, RECEIVER);
if (!is_ffa_direct_response(ret_values)) {
ERROR("Expected a direct response for last serviced interrupt"
" command\n");
/* Make sure Trusted Watchdog timer interrupt was serviced*/
if (cactus_get_response(ret_values) != IRQ_TWDOG_INTID) {
ERROR("Trusted watchdog timer interrupt not serviced by SP\n");
/* Disable Trusted Watchdog interrupt. */
if (!disable_trusted_wdog_interrupt(SENDER, RECEIVER)) {
* @Test_Aim@ Test secure interrupt handling while first Secure Partition is
* in WAITING state while the second Secure Partition is running.
* 1. Send a direct message request command to first Cactus SP to start the
* trusted watchdog timer.
* 2. Send a direct request to second SP to sleep by executing a busy loop.
* 3. While second SP is running the busy loop, Secure interrupt should trigger
* during this time.
* 4. The interrupt is trapped to the SPM as a physical IRQ. The SPM injects a
* virtual IRQ to the first SP and resumes it while it is in waiting state.
* 5. Execution traps to irq handler of the first Cactus SP. It will handle the
* secure interrupt triggered by the trusted watchdog timer.
* 6. Cactus SP will perform End-Of-Interrupt by calling the interrupt
* deactivate HVC and invoke FFA_MSG_WAIT ABI to perform interrupt signal
* completion.
* 7. SPM then resumes the second SP which was preempted by secure interrupt.
* 8. Second SP will complete the busy sleep loop and send a direct response
* message with the elapsed time back to the first SP.
* 9. We make sure the time elapsed in the sleep routine by SP is not less than
* the requested value.
* 10. TFTF sends a direct request message to SP to query the ID of last serviced
* secure virtual interrupt.
* 11. Further, TFTF expects SP to return the ID of Trusted Watchdog timer
* interrupt through a direct response message.
* 12. Test finishes successfully once the TFTF disables the trusted watchdog
* interrupt through a direct message request command.
test_result_t test_ffa_sec_interrupt_sp1_waiting_sp2_running(void)
struct ffa_value ret_values;
CHECK_SPMC_TESTING_SETUP(1, 1, expected_sp_uuids);
/* Enable trusted watchdog interrupt as IRQ in the secure side. */
if (!enable_trusted_wdog_interrupt(SENDER, RECEIVER)) {
ret_values = cactus_send_twdog_cmd(SENDER, RECEIVER, 100);
if (!is_ffa_direct_response(ret_values)) {
ERROR("Expected a direct response for starting TWDOG timer\n");
/* Send request to Second Cactus SP to sleep. */
ret_values = cactus_sleep_cmd(SENDER, RECEIVER_2, SP_SLEEP_TIME);
* Secure interrupt should trigger during this time, Cactus
* will handle the trusted watchdog timer.
if (!is_ffa_direct_response(ret_values)) {
ERROR("Expected a direct response for sleep command\n");
/* Make sure elapsed time not less than sleep time. */
if (cactus_get_response(ret_values) < SP_SLEEP_TIME) {
ERROR("Lapsed time less than requested sleep time\n");
/* Check for the last serviced secure virtual interrupt. */
ret_values = cactus_get_last_interrupt_cmd(SENDER, RECEIVER);
if (!is_ffa_direct_response(ret_values)) {
ERROR("Expected a direct response for last serviced interrupt"
" command\n");
/* Make sure Trusted Watchdog timer interrupt was serviced*/
if (cactus_get_response(ret_values) != IRQ_TWDOG_INTID) {
ERROR("Trusted watchdog timer interrupt not serviced by SP\n");
/* Disable Trusted Watchdog interrupt. */
if (!disable_trusted_wdog_interrupt(SENDER, RECEIVER)) {
* @Test_Aim@ Test handling of interrupt belonging to the extended SPI range
* while first Secure Partition is in RUNNING state.
* 1. Send a direct message request command to first Cactus SP to trigger the
* eSPI interrupt.
* 2. The Cactus SP either successfully handles the interrupt or fails to do
* so. It sends a value through direct message response indicating if the
* interrupt was handled.
* 3. TFTF sends a direct request message to SP to query the ID of last serviced
* secure virtual interrupt.
* 4. Further, TFTF expects SP to return the appropriate interrupt id through a
* direct response message.
test_result_t test_ffa_espi_sec_interrupt(void)
struct ffa_value ret_values;
/* Check if extended SPI range is implemented by GIC. */
if (!arm_gic_is_espi_supported()) {
CHECK_SPMC_TESTING_SETUP(1, 1, expected_sp_uuids);
/* Enable ESPI. */
ret_values = cactus_interrupt_cmd(SENDER, RECEIVER, IRQ_ESPI_TEST_INTID,
if (!is_ffa_direct_response(ret_values)) {
ERROR("Expected a direct response message while configuring"
" interrupt ESPI %u\n", IRQ_ESPI_TEST_INTID);
if (cactus_get_response(ret_values) != CACTUS_SUCCESS) {
ERROR("Failed to configure ESPI interrupt\n");
/* Trigger ESPI while running. */
ret_values = cactus_trigger_espi_cmd(SENDER, RECEIVER, IRQ_ESPI_TEST_INTID);
if (!is_ffa_direct_response(ret_values)) {
ERROR("Expected a direct response message while triggering"
" interrupt ESPI %u\n", IRQ_ESPI_TEST_INTID);
if (cactus_get_response(ret_values) != 1) {
ERROR("Interrupt %u not serviced by SP\n", IRQ_ESPI_TEST_INTID);
/* Disable ESPI. */
ret_values = cactus_interrupt_cmd(SENDER, RECEIVER, IRQ_ESPI_TEST_INTID,
if (!is_ffa_direct_response(ret_values)) {
ERROR("Expected a direct response message while configuring"
" interrupt ESPI %u\n", IRQ_ESPI_TEST_INTID);
if (cactus_get_response(ret_values) != CACTUS_SUCCESS) {
ERROR("Failed to configure ESPI interrupt %u\n", IRQ_ESPI_TEST_INTID);
/* Check for the last serviced secure virtual interrupt. */
ret_values = cactus_get_last_interrupt_cmd(SENDER, RECEIVER);
if (!is_ffa_direct_response(ret_values)) {
ERROR("Expected a direct response for last serviced interrupt"
" command\n");
/* Make sure Trusted Watchdog timer interrupt was serviced*/
if (cactus_get_response(ret_values) != IRQ_ESPI_TEST_INTID) {
ERROR("ESPI interrupt %u not serviced by SP\n", IRQ_ESPI_TEST_INTID);