blob: 6d057a6a87a7081b71f90e571d9c2dc8a050fcad [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include <psci.h>
#include <smccc.h>
#include <std_svc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <tftf_lib.h>
#include <trusted_os.h>
#include <tsp.h>
#include <utils_def.h>
/* An invalid SMC function number. */
#define INVALID_FN 0x666
/* PSCI version returned by TF-A. */
static const uint32_t psci_version = PSCI_VERSION(PSCI_MAJOR_VER,
/* UUID of the standard service in TF-A. */
static const smc_ret_values std_svc_uuid = {
0x108d905b, 0x47e8f863, 0xfbc02dae, 0xe2f64156
* Build an SMC function ID given its type (fast/yielding), calling convention,
* owning entity number and function number.
static inline uint32_t make_smc_fid(unsigned int type, unsigned int cc,
unsigned int oen, unsigned int func_num)
return (type << FUNCID_TYPE_SHIFT) | (cc << FUNCID_CC_SHIFT)
| (oen << FUNCID_OEN_SHIFT) | (func_num << FUNCID_NUM_SHIFT);
/* Exit the test if the specified condition holds true. */
#define FAIL_IF(_cond) \
do { \
if ((_cond)) { \
} \
} while (0)
* Send an SMC with the specified arguments.
* Check that the values it returns match the expected ones. If not, write an
* error message in the test report.
static bool smc_check_eq(const smc_args *args, const smc_ret_values *expect)
smc_ret_values ret = tftf_smc(args);
if (memcmp(&ret, expect, sizeof(smc_ret_values)) == 0) {
return true;
} else {
"Got {0x%lx,0x%lx,0x%lx,0x%lx,0x%lx,0x%lx,0x%lx,0x%lx}, \
expected {0x%lx,0x%lx,0x%lx,0x%lx,0x%lx,0x%lx,0x%lx,0x%lx}.\n",
ret.ret0, ret.ret1, ret.ret2, ret.ret3,
ret.ret4, ret.ret5, ret.ret6, ret.ret7,
expect->ret0, expect->ret1, expect->ret2, expect->ret3,
expect->ret4, expect->ret5, expect->ret6, expect->ret7);
return false;
* Send an SMC with the specified arguments.
* Check that the values it returns match the expected ones. The do_check[]
* array indicates which ones should be checked and provides some flexibility
* to ignore some of them. Also the allow_zeros[] array lets the values to be
* zeroes. allow_zeros[] is only evaluated if do_check[] is true for the given
* value.
* The two common solutions for preventing data leak from the TEE is to either
* preserve the register values or zero them out. Having an expected value and
* also allowing zeroes in this function comes handy in this previous case.
* If the values do not match, write an error message in the test report.
static bool smc_check_match(const smc_args *args, const smc_ret_values *expect,
const bool do_check[8], const bool allow_zeros[8])
smc_ret_values ret = tftf_smc(args);
#define CHK_RET(ret, expect, allow_zeros) \
((ret) != (expect) && !((allow_zeros) && (ret) == 0))
if ((do_check[0] && CHK_RET(ret.ret0, expect->ret0, allow_zeros[0])) ||
(do_check[1] && CHK_RET(ret.ret1, expect->ret1, allow_zeros[1])) ||
(do_check[2] && CHK_RET(ret.ret2, expect->ret2, allow_zeros[2])) ||
(do_check[3] && CHK_RET(ret.ret3, expect->ret3, allow_zeros[3])) ||
(do_check[4] && CHK_RET(ret.ret4, expect->ret4, allow_zeros[4])) ||
(do_check[5] && CHK_RET(ret.ret5, expect->ret5, allow_zeros[5])) ||
(do_check[6] && CHK_RET(ret.ret6, expect->ret6, allow_zeros[6])) ||
(do_check[7] && CHK_RET(ret.ret7, expect->ret7, allow_zeros[7]))) {
#undef CHK_RET
* Build an error message where unchecked SMC return values are
* displayed as '*'.
char expect_str[8][28];
#define BUILD_STR(_buf, _buf_size, _do_check, _allow_zero, _expect) \
do { \
if (_do_check) { \
if (_allow_zero) { \
snprintf(_buf, _buf_size, \
"0x%lx or zero", \
_expect); \
} else { \
snprintf(_buf, _buf_size, \
"0x%lx", _expect); \
} \
} else { \
_buf[0] = '*'; \
_buf[1] = '\0'; \
} \
} while (0)
BUILD_STR(expect_str[0], sizeof(expect_str[0]),
do_check[0], allow_zeros[0], expect->ret0);
BUILD_STR(expect_str[1], sizeof(expect_str[1]),
do_check[1], allow_zeros[1], expect->ret1);
BUILD_STR(expect_str[2], sizeof(expect_str[2]),
do_check[2], allow_zeros[2], expect->ret2);
BUILD_STR(expect_str[3], sizeof(expect_str[3]),
do_check[3], allow_zeros[3], expect->ret3);
BUILD_STR(expect_str[4], sizeof(expect_str[4]),
do_check[4], allow_zeros[4], expect->ret4);
BUILD_STR(expect_str[5], sizeof(expect_str[5]),
do_check[5], allow_zeros[5], expect->ret5);
BUILD_STR(expect_str[6], sizeof(expect_str[6]),
do_check[6], allow_zeros[6], expect->ret6);
BUILD_STR(expect_str[7], sizeof(expect_str[7]),
do_check[7], allow_zeros[7], expect->ret7);
#undef BUILD_STR
"Got {0x%lx,0x%lx,0x%lx,0x%lx,0x%lx,0x%lx,0x%lx,0x%lx}, \
expected {%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s}.\n",
ret.ret0, ret.ret1, ret.ret2, ret.ret3,
ret.ret4, ret.ret5, ret.ret6, ret.ret7,
expect_str[0], expect_str[1], expect_str[2], expect_str[3],
expect_str[4], expect_str[5], expect_str[6], expect_str[7]);
return false;
} else {
return true;
/* Exercise SMC32 calling convention with fast SMC calls. */
test_result_t smc32_fast(void)
/* Valid Fast SMC32 using all 4 return values. */
const smc_args args1 = { .fid = SMC_STD_SVC_UID };
FAIL_IF(!smc_check_eq(&args1, &std_svc_uuid));
/* Invalid Fast SMC32. */
const smc_args args2 = {
0x11111111, 0x22222222, 0x33333333, 0x44444444,
0x55555555, 0x66666666, 0x77777777 };
const smc_ret_values ret2
= { SMC_UNKNOWN, 0x11111111, 0x22222222, 0x33333333, 0x44444444,
0x55555555, 0x66666666, 0x77777777 };
FAIL_IF(!smc_check_eq(&args2, &ret2));
/* Valid Fast SMC32 using 1 return value. */
const smc_args args3
= { SMC_PSCI_VERSION, 0x44444444, 0x55555555, 0x66666666,
0x77777777, 0x88888888, 0x99999999, 0xaaaaaaaa };
const smc_ret_values ret3
= { psci_version, 0x44444444, 0x55555555, 0x66666666,
0x77777777, 0x88888888, 0x99999999, 0xaaaaaaaa };
FAIL_IF(!smc_check_eq(&args3, &ret3));
/* Exercise SMC64 calling convention with yielding SMC calls. */
test_result_t smc64_yielding(void)
/* Valid Fast SMC32 using all 4 return values. */
const smc_args args1 = { .fid = SMC_STD_SVC_UID };
FAIL_IF(!smc_check_eq(&args1, &std_svc_uuid));
/* Invalid function number, SMC64 Yielding. */
const smc_args args2 = {
0x11111111, 0x22222222, 0x33333333, 0x44444444,
0x55555555, 0x66666666, 0x77777777 };
const smc_ret_values ret2
= { SMC_UNKNOWN, 0x11111111, 0x22222222, 0x33333333, 0x44444444,
0x55555555, 0x66666666, 0x77777777 };
FAIL_IF(!smc_check_eq(&args2, &ret2));
* Valid[1] yielding SMC64 using 1 return value.
* [1] Valid from the point of view of the generic SMC handler if the
* TSPd is present. In this case, the SMC request gets passed to the
* TSPd handler code. The fact that it then gets rejected by the TSPd is
* irrelevant here, as we are not trying to test the TSPd nor the TSP.
* In other cases (i.e. AArch64 BL31 with no TSPd support or AArch32
* SP_MIN) this test should still fail in the same way, although it
* doesn't exercise the same code path in TF-A.
const smc_args args3 = {
0x44444444, 0x55555555, 0x66666666, 0x77777777, 0x88888888,
0x99999999, 0xaaaaaaaa };
if (is_trusted_os_present(NULL)) {
* The Trusted OS is free to return any error code in x0 but it
* should at least preserve or fill by zeroes the values of
* x1-x3.
const smc_ret_values ret3 = { 0, 0x44444444, 0x55555555, 0x66666666,
0x77777777, 0x88888888, 0x99999999, 0xaaaaaaaa };
const bool check[8] = { false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true };
const bool allow_zeros[8] = { false, true, true, true,
true, true, true, true };
FAIL_IF(!smc_check_match(&args3, &ret3, check, allow_zeros));
} else {
const smc_ret_values ret3
= { SMC_UNKNOWN, 0x44444444, 0x55555555, 0x66666666,
0x77777777, 0x88888888, 0x99999999, 0xaaaaaaaa };
FAIL_IF(!smc_check_eq(&args3, &ret3));
#ifndef __aarch64__
static test_result_t smc64_fast_caller32(void)
/* Valid Fast SMC32 using all 4 return values. */
smc_args args1 = { .fid = SMC_STD_SVC_UID };
FAIL_IF(!smc_check_eq(&args1, &std_svc_uuid));
/* Invalid SMC function number, Fast SMC64. */
const smc_args args2 = {
0x11111111, 0x22222222, 0x33333333, 0x44444444,
0x55555555, 0x66666666, 0x77777777 };
const smc_ret_values ret2
= { SMC_UNKNOWN, 0x11111111, 0x22222222, 0x33333333,
0x44444444, 0x55555555, 0x66666666, 0x77777777 };
FAIL_IF(!smc_check_eq(&args2, &ret2));
* Valid SMC function number, Fast SMC64. However, 32-bit callers are
* forbidden to use the SMC64 calling convention.
const smc_args args3 = { SMC_PSCI_AFFINITY_INFO_AARCH64,
0x44444444, 0x55555555, 0x66666666, 0x77777777, 0x88888888,
0x99999999, 0xaaaaaaaa };
const smc_ret_values ret3
= { SMC_UNKNOWN, 0x44444444, 0x55555555, 0x66666666,
0x77777777, 0x88888888, 0x99999999, 0xaaaaaaaa };
FAIL_IF(!smc_check_eq(&args3, &ret3));
static test_result_t smc64_fast_caller64(void)
/* Valid Fast SMC32 using all 4 return values. */
smc_args args1 = { .fid = SMC_STD_SVC_UID };
FAIL_IF(!smc_check_eq(&args1, &std_svc_uuid));
/* Invalid function number, Fast SMC64. */
const smc_args args2 = {
0x11111111, 0x22222222, 0x33333333, 0x44444444, 0x55555555,
0x66666666, 0x77777777 };
const smc_ret_values ret2
= { SMC_UNKNOWN, 0x11111111, 0x22222222, 0x33333333, 0x44444444,
0x55555555, 0x66666666, 0x77777777 };
FAIL_IF(!smc_check_eq(&args2, &ret2));
/* Valid Fast SMC64 using 1 return value. */
const smc_args args3 = { SMC_PSCI_AFFINITY_INFO_AARCH64,
0x44444444, 0x55555555, 0x66666666, 0x77777777,
0x88888888, 0x99999999, 0xaaaaaaaa };
const smc_ret_values ret3
= { PSCI_E_INVALID_PARAMS, 0x44444444, 0x55555555, 0x66666666,
0x77777777, 0x88888888, 0x99999999, 0xaaaaaaaa };
FAIL_IF(!smc_check_eq(&args3, &ret3));
#endif /* !__aarch64__ */
/* Exercise SMC64 calling convention with fast SMC calls. */
test_result_t smc64_fast(void)
#ifndef __aarch64__
return smc64_fast_caller32();
return smc64_fast_caller64();
/* Exercise SMC32 calling convention with yielding SMC calls. */
test_result_t smc32_yielding(void)
/* Valid Fast SMC32 using all 4 return values. */
const smc_args args1 = { .fid = SMC_STD_SVC_UID };
FAIL_IF(!smc_check_eq(&args1, &std_svc_uuid));
/* Invalid function number, SMC32 Yielding. */
const smc_args args2 = {
0x11111111, 0x22222222, 0x33333333, 0x44444444,
0x55555555, 0x66666666, 0x77777777 };
const smc_ret_values ret2
= { SMC_UNKNOWN, 0x11111111, 0x22222222, 0x33333333, 0x44444444,
0x55555555, 0x66666666, 0x77777777 };
FAIL_IF(!smc_check_eq(&args2, &ret2));
* Valid[1] yielding SMC32 using 1 return value.
* [1] Valid from the point of view of the generic SMC handler if a
* secure payload dispatcher handling this SMC range is present. In this
* case, the SMC request gets passed to the dispatcher handler code. The
* fact that it then gets rejected by the dispatcher is irrelevant here,
* as we are not trying to test the dispatcher nor the secure payload.
* In BL31 has no SPD support, this test should still fail in the same
* way, although it doesn't exercise the same code path in TF-A.
const smc_args args3 = {
0x44444444, 0x55555555, 0x66666666, 0x77777777, 0x88888888,
0x99999999, 0xaaaaaaaa };
if (is_trusted_os_present(NULL)) {
* The Trusted OS is free to return any error code in x0 but it
* should at least preserve or fill by zeroes the values of
* x1-x3.
const smc_ret_values ret3 = { 0, 0x44444444, 0x55555555, 0x66666666,
0x77777777, 0x88888888, 0x99999999, 0xaaaaaaaa };
const bool check[8] = { false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true };
const bool allow_zeros[8] = { false, true, true, true,
true, true, true, true };
FAIL_IF(!smc_check_match(&args3, &ret3, check, allow_zeros));
} else {
const smc_ret_values ret3
= { SMC_UNKNOWN, 0x44444444, 0x55555555, 0x66666666,
0x77777777, 0x88888888, 0x99999999, 0xaaaaaaaa };
FAIL_IF(!smc_check_eq(&args3, &ret3));