blob: 3effb39d7e29d62a289ca0a6ab1c02826becdbd6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019-2023, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
* This file is a Partition Manifest (PM) for a minimal Secure Partition (SP)
* that has additional optional properties defined.
/ {
compatible = "arm,ffa-manifest-1.0";
/* Properties */
description = "Base-1";
ffa-version = <0x00010002>; /* 31:16 - Major, 15:0 - Minor */
uuid = <0x1e67b5b4 0xe14f904a 0x13fb1fb8 0xcbdae1da>;
id = <1>;
auxiliary-id = <0xae>;
stream-endpoint-ids = <0 1 2 3>;
execution-ctx-count = <8>;
exception-level = <2>; /* S-EL1 */
execution-state = <0>; /* AARCH64 */
load-address = <0x7000000>;
entrypoint-offset = <0x00002000>;
xlat-granule = <0>; /* 4KiB */
boot-order = <0>;
messaging-method = <3>; /* Direct messaging only */
ns-interrupts-action = <1>; /* Managed exit is supported */
notification-support; /* Support receipt of notifications. */
/* Boot protocol */
gp-register-num = <0>;
/* Boot Info */
boot-info {
compatible = "arm,ffa-manifest-boot-info";
rx_tx-info {
compatible = "arm,ffa-manifest-rx_tx-buffer";
rx-buffer = <&rxbuffer>;
tx-buffer = <&txbuffer>;
memory-regions {
compatible = "arm,ffa-manifest-memory-regions";
rxbuffer: rx-buffer {
description = "rx-buffer";
pages-count = <1>;
base-address = <0x00000000 0x7300000>;
attributes = <0x1>; /* read-only */
txbuffer: tx-buffer {
description = "tx-buffer";
pages-count = <1>;
base-address = <0x00000000 0x7301000>;
attributes = <0x3>; /* read-write */
/* Memory to be shared in memory sharing tests. */
share-memory {
description = "share-memory";
pages-count = <1>;
base-address =<0x00000000 0x7500000>;
attributes = <0x3>; /* read-write */
* Scratch memory used for the purpose of testing SMMUv3 driver
* through Cactus SP
smmuv3-memcpy-src {
description = "smmuv3-memcpy-source";
pages-count = <4>;
base-address = <0x00000000 0x7400000>;
attributes = <0x3>; /* read-write */
smmu-id = <0>;
stream-ids = <0x0 0x1>;
stream-ids-access-permissions = <0x3 0x3>;
smmuv3-memcpy-dst {
description = "smmuv3-memcpy-destination";
pages-count = <4>;
base-address = <0x00000000 0x7404000>;
attributes = <0x3>; /* read-write */
smmu-id = <0>;
stream-ids = <0x0 0x1>;
stream-ids-access-permissions = <0x3 0x3>;
smmuv3-ns-region {
description = "smmuv3-memcpy-ns-region";
pages-count = <8>;
base-address = <0x0 0x90000000>;
attributes = <0xb>; /* ns-read-write */
smmu-id = <0>;
stream-ids = <0x0 0x1>;
stream-ids-access-permissions = <0xb 0xb>;
device-regions {
compatible = "arm,ffa-manifest-device-regions";
smmuv3-testengine {
* SMMUv3TestEngine is a DMA IP modeled in the
* Base-RevC FVP Model.
* User Frame: 0x2bfe0000
* Privileged Frame: 0x2bff0000
base-address = <0x00000000 0x2bfe0000>;
pages-count = <32>; /* Two 64KB pages */
attributes = <0x3>; /* read-write */
smmu-id = <0>;
stream-ids = <0x0 0x1>;
sec_wdog {
/* SP805 Trusted Watchdog Module */
base-address = <0x00000000 0x2a490000>;
pages-count = <32>; /* Two 64KB pages */
attributes = <0x3>; /* read-write */
interrupts = <56 0x900>;
espi_test_node {
* A dummy device region node representing a fake
* peripheral. Explicitly used to specify properties of
* interrupt 5000, in the extended SPI range, used for
* testing purposes. All the properties below except
* `interrupts` are irrelevant.
base-address = <0x00000000 0x1c130000>;
pages-count = <1>; /* One 4KB page */
attributes = <0x1>; /* read-only */
interrupts = <5000 0x900>;